Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
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Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
Bokaro SAIL Various
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(A Government of India Enterprise)
Advertisement No. BSL/R/2024/01 Date:15/03/2024
SAIL, a Maharatna Company, and a leading steel-making company in India with a turnover of over Rs. One Lakh Crore (F.Y
2022-23), is in the process of modernizing and expanding its production units, captive mines, collieries and other facilities to
maintain its dominant position in the Indian steel market.
Bokaro Steel Plant, one of the modernised integrated steel plants of SAIL is a producer of HR Coils/Sheets/Plates, CR Coils/
Sheets, GP Sheets/Coils. Bokaro Steel is working towards becoming a one-stop-shop for world-class flat steel products in
India. SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant invites online applications from energetic, result oriented and promising talent for Bokaro
Steel Plant (including its captive mines located in State of Jharkhand in Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, Gua & Manoharpur) for
the following posts:
Post Grade Specialty No. UR SC ST OBC EWS PwBD*
Sr. Consultant E-4 Neurosurgery 01 01 – – – – –
Sr. Medical Officer
Critical Care 01
Paediatrics 01 02 – – – 01 01 (OH)
Medicine 01
*In absence of suitable candidates for Critical Care & Paediatrician, the posts may be filled with Medicine.
Post Grade No. UR SC ST OBC EWS PwBD*
Medical Officer
09 04 01 01 03 – –
Medical Officer [OHS] 01 01 – – – – –
Assistant Manager (Safety) 10 04 01 01 03 01 01(VH)
Post Grade Specialty No. UR SC ST OBC EWS PwBD*
Sr. Medical Officer
Anaesthesia 01 01 – – – – –
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 01 01 – – – – –
Post Grade No. UR SC ST OBC EWS PwBD*
Medical Officer [OHS] E-1 01 01 – – – – –
Operator cum Technician [Boiler] 08 03 01 02 01 01 1 (OH) 01
Attendant cum Technician (Boiler) 12 06 01 03 01 01 – 01
Mining Foreman 03 01 – 02 (01 B) – – – –
Surveyor 01 01 – – – – – –
Operator cum Technician Trainee [Mining] 05 04 – 01 – – – 01
Operator cum Technician Trainee [Electrical] 15 06 01 05 02 01 – 02
Mining Mate 03 01 – 01 01 (B) – – –
Attendant cum Technician Trainee 34 16 04 08 03 03 – 05
* Horizontally Reserved
#1. OH (OA, OL, OAL, LC, Dw, MDy, AAV) 2. VH(LV)
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SC- Schedule Caste
ST-Schedule Tribe
OBC-Other Backward Caste
EWS-Economic Weaker Section
ESM- Ex-Servicemen
BSL, Bokaro- Bokaro Steel Plant, Bokaro
JGOM- Jharkhand Group of Mines
Category Abbreviations Used: PwBD- Person with Benchmark Disability, OH-Orthopedic Handicapped, LV=Low Vision, OA=One Arm,
OL=One Leg, OAL=One Arm and One Leg, LC=Leprosy Cured, Dw=Dwarfism, AAV=Acid Attack Victims, Mdy=Muscular Dystrophy, VH=
Visually Handicapped
Note: Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories may also apply against the unreserved posts provided they fulfil the eligibility
criteria for unreserved category. Reservation for persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) candidates and Ex-Servicemen shall be
on horizontal basis and in line with the guidelines on the subject. Candidates having a minimum of 40 % permanent disability are
eligible to apply as PwBD Candidates. OBC candidates belonging to ‘Creamy layer’ are not entitled to OBC concession and such
candidates have to indicate their category as General. OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/ EWS candidates are required to submit the requisite
certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority on/ after 01/04/2023 and valid at the time of Skill/ Trade Test/
Interview and a self-declaration in the prescribed format as available on Company’s website at the time of Skill/Trade Test/ Interview.
a) Essential Qualification, Age & Experience (as on closing date of application):
Post Upper
Essential Minimum Qualification Qualifying Percentage Marks
Consultant 41 Years PG Degree (MD/MS)/ DNB in relevant discipline from a University/
Institute recognized by
For Critical Care: PG Deg
ree(MD/MS)/ DNB in Medicine/Anesthesiology with 01 year
Post Doctoral Certificate CoursePDCC/Fellowship course in Critical
03 years post qualification in
a Govt. recognized Medical
College/ Hospital/ Institution
after acquiring PG Degree
(MD/MS)/ DNB in the relevant discipline
Sr. Medical Officer 38 Years
01 year post qualification in
a Govt. recognized Medical
College/ Hospital/ Institution
after acquiring PG Degree
(MD/MS)/ DNB in the relevant discipline
Medical Officer
34 Years MBBS with Degree/ Diploma in Industrial Health/ Occupational Health/
AFIH (Associate Fellowship in Industrial Health) from a University/ Institute recognized by Medical Council
of India/ National Medical Commission.
Minimum 01 year post qualification experience (after
internship) in a recognized
Medical College/ Hospital/
Sr. Consultant 44 Years M.Ch/ D.M/ DNB in relevant discipline from a University/ Institute recognized by MCI/NBE/NMC.
– –
Medical Officer 34 Years MBBS from a University/ Institute
recognized by Medical Council of
India/ National Medical Commission. –
Minimum 01 year post qualification experience (after
internship) in a Govt. recognized Medical College/ Hospital/ Institution.
Assistant Manager
30 Years (i) B.E./B.Tech. (full time)
from Govt. recognized
University / Institute.
(ii) PG Degree or Diploma in Industrial Safety (atleast 01 year duration) from Govt. recognized University/ Institute.
Minimum 65%
marks (55% for
SC/ST/PwBD/ Departmental Candidates)
Practical experience of
working in a factory in
executive cadre for a
period not less than 02
years, after acquiring
Degree in Engineering
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Post Upper
Essential Minimum Qualification Qualifying Percentage Marks
Operator cum Technician (Boiler)
30 Years (i) Matriculation with 03 years (full
time) diploma in Mechanical or
Electrical or Chemical or Power
Plant or Production or Instrumentation Engineering discipline from
Govt. recognized Institute
(ii) First Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of Competency.
Minimum 50%
marks (40% for
SC/ST/PwBD/ Departmental Candidates) –
Attendant cum
Technician (Boiler)
28 Years (i) Matriculation with ITI (full time) in
relevant trade from Govt. recognized Institute
(ii) Second Class Boiler Attendant
Certificate of Competency
– –
Operator cum Technician
(Trainee) [Electrical]#
28 Years Matriculation with 03 years (full
time) Diploma in Electrical discipline
from a Govt. recognized Institute.
Minimum 50%
marks (40% for
Operator cum Technician
(Trainee) [Mining]
28 Years Matriculation with 03 years (full
time) Diploma in Mining disciplinefrom a Govt. recognized Institute.
Minimum 50%
marks (40% for
Mining Foreman 28 Years Matriculation with 03 years (full
time) Diploma in Mining from a
Govt. recognized Institute with valid
Mines’ Foreman Certificate of Competency from DGMS under MMR,
1961 (For Metalliferous Mines).
Minimum 50%
marks (40% for
01 year post qualification Experience in relevant field (after
obtaining Mines’ Foreman Certificate of competency).
Surveyor 28 Years Matriculation with 03 years (full
time) Diploma in Mining or Diploma
in Mining & Mines’ Survey from a
Govt. recognized Institute with Mines
Surveyor’s certificate of Competency
from DGMS under MMR,1961 (For
Metalliferous Mines).
Minimum 50%
marks (40% for
01 year experience in relevant
field (after obtaining
Surveyor’s Certificate
of Competency.)
Mining Mate 28 Years Matriculation with valid Mining Mate
Certificate of Competency from
DGMS under MMR, 1961 (For Metalliferous Mines)
01 year post qualification experience in relevant field (after
obtaining Mining Mate’s Certificate of Competency.)
Attendant cum Technician (Trainee)
28 Years Matriculation with ITI in a designated
Trade and completion of apprenticeship training of minimum 01 year
duration in a designated trade from an
Iron Ore Mine owned by an Integrated Steel Plant [ISP] (both Iron
Ore Mine & ISP located in India)
with National Apprentice Certificate
recognized by NCVT/NCVET.
– –
#Candidates selected as OCTT-Electrical for Jharkhand Group of Mines will have to acquire the Electrical Supervisor’s Certificate of
Competency (HV AC Installations/ HV Overhead line, covering mining installations) failing which they will not be eligible for promotion to next (S-4) Grade.
Definition of Integrated Steel Plant for the purpose determination of desirable experience
An Integrated Steel Plant in India, starting operation from iron ore, virgin or processed, in one location, producing finished steel
to national and international specifications; the production should be through Blast Furnace, Steel Melting Shop and Rolling
b) Relaxation in Upper Age Limit:
Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ ST category and 3 years for candidates belonging to
OBC (Non-creamy layer) category respectively with respect to posts reserved for them. Additional relaxation of 10 years in
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age to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. Ex-Service men (ESM), who have put in not less than 06 months continuous service in the armed forces, will be allowed age relaxation to the extent of military service plus three years against reserved/ unreserved vacancies as per government guidelines. Departmental candidates (employees of SAIL) will be given relaxation of
10 years over and above the upper age limit. However, the upper age limit for the departmental candidates will be 45 years,
irrespective of the category of the candidate.
c) Medical Standards:
To be considered fit for employment, the candidate should be in good physical and mental health and should be able to perform his/her job effectively.The candidates finally selected shall have to undergo medical examination and the selected candidates must have the minimum standards as prescribed under: –
Parameter Required Standard
Height 155 cm for Engg.
150 cm Non Engg.
143 cms
Weight 45 Kgs 35 Kgs
Chest measurement 72 cm & 75 cm on expansion 75 cm & 79 cm on expansion
Visual Myopia and Hypermetropia, if any, not to exceed ± 4.00 in each eye
and no squint or colour blindness, partial or full
The medical standards indicated above are minimum pre-requisites. Before applying candidates must ensure that they
possess the above-mentioned Physical Standards. However, appointment of selected candidates will be subject to being
found medically fit by the medical officer of the Company as per standards laid down under SAIL’s Medical & Health
Post Selection Procedure
Sr. Consultant Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the Interview. The
minimum qualifying marks in the Interview will be 50% for Unreserved/EWS category and
40% for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD category candidates. For final selection, the merit list
will be drawn up based on the performance of the candidates in the interview. In case two or
more candidates are placed on the same cut-off point in the final merit list, the offer letter
will be issued to the candidate having higher marks in eligibility qualification as applicable.
Information regarding Interview will be provided in the Call Letter which will be uploaded
on careers page of SAIL website and candidates will be intimated for the same through their
emails. No other communication will be sent to the candidates for the purpose.
Sr. Medical Officer
Medical Officer The mode of selection for eligible applicants would be through examination, which may be
computer based (CBT) followed by an interview. Candidates will be shortlisted for the interview in the ratio of 1:3 in order of merit. While short listing of the candidates for interview, if the cut-off marks of CBT, so arrived at, are obtained by more than one candidate –
all of the candidates will be called for the Interview. For final selection, merit list will be
drawn by combining the scores of Online Test (CBT) and Interview with the weightage of
80:20 in that order or as per the merit list of Interview (as the case may be). Examination/CBT: Provisionally eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective test
(CBT) at any of the centres decided by the Management. The minimum qualifying marks in
the Examination/CBT for unreserved posts/EWS will be determined based on 50 percentile
score. For SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD candidates the minimum qualifying marks will be 40
percentile score ONLY with respect to posts reserved for them.
Medical Officer (OHS)
Assistant Manager
Operator cum Technician
Eligible candidates will be required to appear for an examination which may be computer
based (CBT), information for which will be provided in the Admit Card. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the Online test (CBT) will be sent communication
to appear for Skill/Trade Test (as applicable for the post), through careers page of SAIL
website. Weightage of marks for Exam (CBT) will be 100%. Skill/Trade Test will only be of
qualifying nature.
Exam (CBT): Provisionally eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type
test (CBT) consisting of multiple choice questions at any of the centres decided by the Management. The minimum qualifying marks in the Online test (CBT) for unreserved
posts/EWS will be determined based on 50 percentile score. For SC/ST/ OBC(NCL) /
PwBD candidates the minimum qualifying marks will be 40 percentile score ONLY with
respect to posts reserved for them. Skill/Trade Test: From among those who qualify in the
exam (CBT), candidates will be shortlisted for Skill in the ratio of 1:3 category wise in order
of merit. For final selection, merit list will be prepared in descending order separately for
each category on the basis of total marks obtained in the exam (CBT) by the candidates who
qualify in Skill/Trade Test.
Mining Foreman
Mining Mate
Operator cum Technician
(Trainee) [Mining]
Attendant cum Technician
Attendant cum Technician
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Test Structure Details, duration and other details regarding the examination will be provided separately along with the admit card to
appear for the examination. The question paper will be of objective type. Model questions will be made available to the candidates in
the information handout for the test to be conducted.
Any information regarding Computer Based examination and Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview will be provided on our website only.
Name of the post Training and Probation
Sr. Consultant
Candidates selected for the above posts shall be appointed in executive cadre
against regular grade and minimum basic pay of the corresponding scale; however they shall be under probation for a period of one year.
Sr. Medical Officer
Medical Officer
Medical Officer (OHS)
Assistant Manager (Safety)
Mining Foreman
Candidates selected for these posts will be on probation for one year in their initial grade at the minimum basic pay of their respective grades before confirmation.
Mining Mate
Operator Cum Technician (Boiler)
Attendant cum Technician (Boiler)
Operator cum Technician (Trainee) [Electrical] Candidates selected for these posts will be placed on training for a period of 2
(two) years followed by one year of probation. On successful completion of
training period, they shall be regularized in their initial Grade at the minimum
basic pay of their respective grades.
Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) [Mining]
Attendant cum Technician (Trainee)
Name of the post Grade Scale of Pay Other Benefits
Sr. Consultant E-4 ₹90000-3%-₹2,40,000/- The emoluments will include basic pay, industrial
dearness allowance, non-practicing allowance, and
other facilities such as medical facility for self and
family, provident fund, gratuity, Leave encashment,
etc., as per rules of the company. In addition, House
Rent Allowance will be paid only where company
accommodation is not available. Special Benefits for
the executives to be posted at Mines of JGOM.
Consultant E-3 ₹80000-3%-₹2,20,000/-
Sr. Medical Officer E-2 ₹70000-3%-₹2,00,000/-
Medical Officer E-1
(1st Year)
(from 2nd year)
Medical Officer (OHS) E-1
Asst. Manager (Safety) E-1 The emoluments will include basic pay, industrial
dearness allowance, perquisites, and other facilities
such as medical facility for self and family, provident
fund, gratuity etc., as per rules of the company. In
addition, House Rent Allowance will be paid only
where company accommodation is not available
Operator cum Technician (Boiler) S-3
The emoluments for the post on confirmation after 2
years of training (as applicable) will include basic
pay, dearness allowance, perquisites, and other facilities such as medical facility for self and family,
provident fund, gratuity, LTC, etc., as per rules of the
company. In addition, House Rent Allowance will be
paid only where company accommodation is not
available. Leave etc will be as per the Rules of the
Company. Special Benefits for the non-executives to
be posted at Mines of JGOM. During the period of
training (as applicable), Trainees will also get medical facility for self and family.
Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee)
Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee)
Mining Foreman S-3
Surveyor S-3
Mining Mate S-1
₹ 25070/-3%-35070/-
Attendant cum Technician (Trainee) S-1*
Attendant cum Technician (Boiler) S-1
*Grade on successful completion of 02 (two) years training.
Candidates selected as Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) [Electrical], Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) [Mining] and
Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) shall be paid consolidated pay during training period as per rates given below:
Post Consolidated Pay (Per Month)
st Year 2
nd Year
Operator-cum- Technician (Trainee) ₹16,100/- ₹18,300/-
Attendant-cum- Technician (Trainee) ₹12,900/- ₹15,000/-
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Any additional charges levied by the bank shall have to be borne by the candidates. Application and/ or processing fee
once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online through SAIL website (SAIL Careers website). No
other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility norms. Their registration will be provisional and mere issue of admit card/Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview/ call letter will not imply acceptance of candidature.
Click on “Login” or “Apply”, If new user, complete ONE-TIME registration first and then go to “Registered User” and
go further by using User ID & Password.
The applicant is required to fill his/ her required information and upload the Photograph & Signature and also the required certificate(s)/document(s) as mentioned below.
Candidates applying for the post of Attendant-cum- Technician (Trainee) need to upload the scanned copies (in pdf file
format) w.r.t Matriculation Passing Certificate & National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) recognized by
Once all the required details are entered, the candidate is required to review the details entered and Confirm. Once confirmed, no editing will be allowed.
Make requisite payment of Application and/or Processing Fee through online mode. The link for payment will be available after application is completed. Candidate will have to bear charges in addition to Application /processing fee.
Candidates should retain the copy of E-receipt of Application and/or Processing Fee as they can be asked to produce it
for future reference.
Submit the application after completion of all requisite steps and take a Print out of the application having Application
Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on joining, if any
information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage or
if candidate fails to produce valid documentary proof in support of his eligibility.
While filling on-line application the candidates must carefully follow all the steps. Incomplete application/application
without processing fee and/ or application fee or not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected summarily. No
communication will be entertained from applicants in this regard.
Candidates are advised to carefully read the instructions for online submission of application (available on Application
Applicants are required to keep the following things ready before applying:
A valid E-mail ID for registration and for receiving all future correspondence till the recruitment process is over and subsequently, if selected.
One working Mobile Number to receive SMS based notifications/communications related to the online application; Admit card/Call letter etc till the recruitment process is over and subsequently, if selected.
Facility with internet connectivity.
Candidate recent scanned passport sized colour photograph (in jpg).
Candidate scanned signature (in jpg).
Access to an online payment facility/service such as:
a) Net Banking
b) Credit card
c) ATM-cum-Debit card
Important Note for Applicants:
A printout of the submitted complete application form is to be retained with the candidate, which is to be submitted at
the time of Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview, if shortlisted.
Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the application/processing fee and to fill in the payment details carefully. Failed Transaction amount
will be automatically refunded to same A/c from which payment was originally made, within due time.
All correspondence whenever required with candidates shall be done through e-mail/SMS only. All information regarding examination schedule/admit card/result of written exam/Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview schedule and call letters, intimaPost Application Fee+ Processing Fee (only for
General, EWS and OBC candidates)
Processing Fee for SC/ST/PwBD/
Departmental/ ESM candidates
For Executive posts (E-1 to E-4) ₹ 700/- ₹ 200/-
For posts in Grade S-3 ₹ 500/- ₹ 150/-
For posts in Grade S-1 ₹ 300/- ₹ 100/-
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tion regarding final selection etc. shall be provided through email/uploading on SAIL website. Candidates shall have to
visit SAIL Careers website ( regularly for information/ update. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of admit card/ Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview call letter or any other information shall be of the candidate. SAIL/Bokaro Steel Plant will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided
by the candidate or for delay/non receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her email/website in time or due
to any network related issue.
1. Exam (CBT): Provisionally eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type test (CBT) consisting of
multiple choice questions at any of the centres decided by the Management. For details regarding conduct of examination, candidates are advised to refer to the Conduct of Examination document available on the application page.
SL Post Duration
(in min.)
Test Structure No. of Questions
1 Medical Officer (E-1) 60 min. a. Professional Knowledge Test (MBBS)
b. Logical Reasoning
To be provided in
Handout along
with Admit cards
2 Medical Officer (OHS) (E-1) 60 min. a. Professional Knowledge Test (MBBS)
b. Professional Knowledge Test (OHS)
c. Logical Reasoning
3 Assistant Manager (Safety)
150 min. PART A (75 mins)
a. General Awareness
b. Logical Reasoning
c. Quantitative Aptitude
d. Verbal Ability
PART B (75 mins)
Domain Knowledge Relevant Branch of Engg/ Diploma/PG degree
4 Operator cum Technician
(Boiler) (S-3)
90 min.
a. Verbal Ability
d. Quantitative Aptitude
b. General Knowledge
c. Logical Reasoning
d. Quantitative Aptitude
e. Domain Knowledge Relevant Diploma Engineering/ Technical Stream
Operator cum Technician
(Trainee) [Electrical/
Mining] (S-3)
Mining Foreman (S-3)
Surveyor (S-3)
5 Mining Mate (S-1)
90 min.
a. Verbal Ability
b. General Knowledge
c. Logical Reasoning
d. Quantitative Aptitude
e. Domain Knowledge
Attendant cum Technician
(Boiler) (S-1)
Attendant cum Technician
Trainee (S-1)
Questions will be available in Bilingual version (English and Hindi).
All questions of a section will carry equal marks.
Penalty for wrong answers: There will be 1/4th negative marking of the marks assigned to that question.
Cut-offs will be applied in two stages:
o On scores in Individual tests
o On Total Score.
For Non-Technical section:
Verbal Ability/ General English/ General Knowledge/ General Awareness/ Reasoning/ Logical Reasoning/ Mathematics/
Quantitative Aptitude- Matriculation level knowledge of subjects as expected from a person having relevant qualification.
For Technical Section:
Technical Knowledge gained by the applicant while acquiring minimum essential qualification from the curriculum for the
qualification as prescribed by the competent authority viz. National Medical Council, All India Council for Technical Education, Director General of Factory Advise Service and Labour Institute, Directorate General of Mines Safety and National
Council for Vocational Training and Education as applicable to the post.
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a) Candidate must be an Indian National possessing requisite qualification from universities or Institutes recognized/
accredited by council / bodies like UGC/ AICTE/ NCVT/ NCVET/ MCI / NMC / NBE setup by Central/ State Govt.
b) Candidates not satisfying the requisite eligibility criteria specified in the advertisement need not apply. The information w.r.t. qualification, experience, age, category etc. uploaded on the application portal shall be verified with their
respective original documents at the time of Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview and in the event of any deviation, the candidature of the candidate shall be liable for rejection without any further reference .
c) The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all subjects in all
semesters/years (irrespective of the weightage given to any particular year by the Institute/ University) by aggregate
maximum marks multiplied by 100.
d) Wherever the University/Institution prescribe CGPA score instead of percentage, the CGPA score will be converted
into equivalent percentage as per norms of the University/Institution to determine the eligibility. The candidate will
have to produce a copy of these conversion norms with respect to his/her University/ Institution at the time of Skill/
Trade Test/ Interview. If no norms are specified by the University/Institution, the CGPA score will be converted into
percentage on proportionate basis, e.g. the CGPA of 8.3 out of 10 will be treated as 83%.
e) Candidates possessing the required qualification through Distance mode/ correspondence course/ off-campus
are not eligible to apply.
f) In case a candidate is eligible for more than one post, separate application needs to be submitted by the candidate for
each post. The date of CBT / Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview for more than one post may coincide; candidates are advised to apply accordingly. However, only one application will be accepted for final selection of the candidate for a
single post advertised for different locations.
g) While applying the candidates should enter their full name as it appears in the Matriculation/ Secondary certificate.
h) Candidates claiming benefit of reservation should submit Caste Certificates in the format for appointment to posts
under Government of India/ Central Government/ Public Sector Undertaking (format available in our website issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
i) Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is found not to be in conformity
with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. SAIL/ Bokaro Steel Plant reserves the right to reject the applications and no communication in this regard will be made with the applicant.
j) Information once entered by the candidate during online application shall not be allowed to be changed at any stage
of the recruitment process.
k) Bringing influence at any stage of the selection process or using of unfair means will disqualify the candidate from
l) Candidates employed in Govt. Departments/ PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies will have to produce NOC from the present
employer at the time of Skill/ Trade Test/ Interview and release order at the time of joining.
m) No request for change of examination centre will be entertained in case of CBT.
n) Any proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and / or an application
in response there to can be Instituted in the district of Bokaro, Jharkhand and courts/tribunal/forums in the district of
Bokaro, Jharkhand only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause/dispute.
o) In case of disparity in English & Hindi version of advertisement, English version will prevail.
Starting Date for submitting applications through Website 16.04.2024
Closing Date for submitting applications through Website 07.05.2024
Registered Office – Ispat Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110 003
There’s a little bit of SAIL in everybody’s life
Bokaro SAIL Various Recruitment 2024
Click here for easy reading
Form Mode
Online Mode
Job Location
Bokaro (JH)
Monthly Salary
Post Wise
Job Basis
Steel Authority of India, Bokaro (Jharkhand)
Executive / Non-Executive Recruitment 2024
Advt No. : BSL/R/2024/01 Short Details
Important Dates
- Starting Date : 16/04/2024
- Last Date : 07/05/2024 11:59 PM
- Exam Date : Available Soon
- Admit Card : Available Soon
Application Fee
- Gen / OBC / EWS (For Executive Posts (E-1 to E-4) : 700/-
- SC / ST / PH / ESM (For Executive Posts (E-1 to E-4) : 200/-
- Gen / OBC / EWS (For Posts in Grade S-3) : 500/-
- SC / ST / PH / ESM (For Posts in Grade S-3) : 150/-
- Gen / OBC / EWS (For Posts in Grade S-1) : 300/-
- SC / ST / PH / ESM (For Posts in Grade S-1) : 100/-
- Payment Mode : Online Mode
Age Limit
- Age Limit : Given Below
- Age Limit as on : 07/05/2024
- Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Selection Process
- Written Exam / Interview
- Document Verification
- Medical Exam
Total Post & Qualification
Post Name
Executive / Non-Executive
- For More Details Read the Notification.
Post Wise Vacancy
Post Name
Age Limit
Sr Consultant
Max. 41 Years
Consultant / Sr Medical Officer
Max. 38 Years
Medical Officer
Max. 34 Years
Medical Officer (OHS)
Max. 34 Years
Asst. Manager (Safety)
Max. 30 Years
Operator cum Technician (Boiler)
Max. 30 Years
Attendant cum Technician (Boiler)
Max. 28 Years
Mining Foreman
Operator cum Technician Trainee [Mining]
Operator cum Technician Trainee [Electrical]
Mining Mate
Attendant cum Technician Trainee
34Important Links
Content Type
Content Link
Fill Online Form
Click Here
Full Notification
Click Here
Official Website
Click Here
Join Telegram Channel
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Join WhatsApp Group
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Follow WhatsApp Channel
Click Hereघर बैठे फॉर्म भरवाएं
How to Fill Online Form
- Read Full Notification Before Filling Online Vacancy Application Form.
- And collect all the documents like eligibility, ID proof, address details, basic details.
- Prepare all the scanned documents like photo, sign, ID proof etc.
- Preview and check all the columns carefully before submitting the application form.
- If you have to pay the fees online or offline then pay the fees as per the given steps.
- And then submit the application form and take a print out of the final submitted form.
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