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English Typing Test

With a view to widen the scope of the activities of the Corporation in the field of e-Governance and defining the role of the Corporation more clearly and sharply, a further change was incorporated in the Object Clause of the Memorandum of Articles of Association of the Corporation in the year 2005. The objectives now include; to be a solution provided for e-Governance Projects in the State of Haryana and elsewhere in part or in too, covering whole gamut of services, such as IT Turn Key Consultancy, Software Development, Networking solution including LAN/WAN, Connectivity, IT Training, Web Enabled Services, Portal, Kiosks, Data Processing, Data Warehousing, Quality Audit, other consultancies and It related activities. To develop and promote IT Infrastructure/Software Technology Park and marketing thereof in any model what-so-ever. To provide a forum for interaction with the IT industry. It is a matter of pride for the Corporation that it has attained International Quality Certification for providing quality services. However, with a passage of time, the roles and activities of the Corporation have grown significantly and HARTRON today is a sole Nodal Agency for providing consultancy support solutions to various Government Departments/Boards/Corporations in the field of Governance. The Corporation with its limited manpower resources has been trying to grapple with the changing needs of the hour but to put a new lease of life in to the Corporation, both administrative and functional restructuring of the Corporation is urgently required.

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